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Avocado and Poached Eggs on Sourdough Bread with Sumac

Avocado and Poached Eggs on Sourdough Bread with a sumac is a family favourite. This dish not only serves as a wholesome and satisfying breakfast idea but is also a delightful option for brunch, lunch, or a light dinner. Its versatility knows no bounds, making it an ideal choice for those seeking something quick and easy to make.

At the heart of this recipe lies the  perfect balance between creamy avocado, impeccably poached eggs, and the rustic charm of sourdough bread.  It is a wonderful dish that is both exquisite in taste and thoughtful in its approach to health. Beyond its flavours and versatility are the key nutritional and health benefits for individuals managing thyroid and diabetes concerns.

We understand the importance of crafting meals that cater to specific dietary needs, and this dish has been meticulously designed with that in mind. By incorporating ingredients that promote thyroid health and support stable blood sugar levels, this Avocado and Poached Eggs on Sourdough Bread is both diabetes and thyroid-friendly due to its careful selection of ingredients and balanced nutritional profile.

Below is the breakdown of the benefits:

Diabetes-Friendly Features

Balanced Carbohydrates: Sourdough bread, when chosen wisely (preferably whole-grain sourdough), offers slow-digesting carbohydrates that help regulate blood sugar levels. This prevents sudden spikes and crashes, making it suitable for diabetes management.

Low-Glycemic Index: The ingredients in this recipe have a relatively low glycemic index, meaning they have a milder impact on blood sugar levels, making it suitable for diabetes management.

Healthy Fats: Avocado is a rich source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, which can help improve insulin sensitivity and regulate blood sugar. These fats also support thyroid function.

Lean Protein: Poached eggs provide high-quality protein, promoting fullness and helping to stabilise blood sugar levels. Protein is essential for thyroid health and metabolism regulation.

Thyroid-Friendly Features

Selenium and Iodine Source: Eggs contains high amounts of selenium and iodine which are required by your body daily for the better functioning of the thyroid gland

Sumac Garnish: Sumac is a flavorful spice that adds zest to the dish without adding sugar or high-glycemic ingredients. It’s a thyroid-friendly choice as it contains antioxidants that support thyroid function.

Promotes Long-term Satiety

Healthy Fats: Avocado is rich in monounsaturated fats, which are known to increase feelings of fullness and satisfaction. Drizzling olive oil adds monounsaturated fats to the dish, contributing to the overall satiety factor.

A mix of fibers: Avocado is a good source of fiber, providing a mix of soluble and insoluble fiber. Fiber adds bulk to the diet, promoting digestive health and creating a lasting feeling of satiety.

Flavor Enhancement: While sumac doesn’t directly contribute to satiety, it adds a unique and tangy flavor to the dish. The enhanced flavor can make the meal more satisfying, reducing the likelihood of overeating.

Balanced Nutritional Breakfast

Calories: Approximately 350-400 kcal per serving.

Protein: Each serving delivers around 15-20g of protein, sourced from the eggs and the combination of avocado and sourdough.

Carbohydrates: With approximately 30-35g of carbohydrates per serving, primarily from the sourdough bread and avocado.

Fat: The dish contains about 20-25g of healthy fats per serving, mainly from the avocado and olive oil. 

Basic Ingredients of Avocado and Poached Eggs on Sourdough

Poached Eggs:

Large Eggs: Eggs are a powerhouse of protein and essential nutrients. They contribute to the satiety and nutritional value of the dish, while the method of poaching ensures minimal fat usage, aligning with health-conscious eating.

Ripe Avocado: Avocado is celebrated for its healthy fats, particularly monounsaturated fat, which supports heart health. Its creamy texture adds a rich, smooth element to the dish, enhancing the overall mouthfeel.

Sourdough Bread: Chosen for its unique flavour and lower glycemic index compared to regular bread, sourdough adds a rustic, tangy twist to the dish. It’s also easier to digest due to its fermentation process.

White Vinegar (for Poaching): Vinegar helps the egg whites to coagulate more effectively, ensuring a beautifully poached egg.

Sumac: This Middle Eastern spice offers a lemony, tangy flavour, adding a zesty note to the dish. It’s also packed with antioxidants.

Salt and Pepper: Basic seasonings to enhance the natural flavours of the ingredients.

Olive Oil: Used for drizzling, olive oil is rich in antioxidants and healthy fats, contributing to the heart-healthy profile of the dish.

Fresh Parsley: Optional for garnish, parsley adds a fresh, herbal note and visual appeal.

alternative ingredients

Eggs: For a vegan option, tofu can be scrambled as an alternative.

Avocado: If unavailable, a creamy Greek yoghurt or hummus can be used as a base spread.

Sourdough Bread: Gluten-free bread can be substituted for those with gluten sensitivities.

Sumac: Lemon zest mixed with a pinch of pepper can mimic Sumac’s tangy flavour.  Zaatar herb mix is a also another delicious alternative to eleveate the flavours of this dish.  

Tips on Poaching an Egg

Poaching an egg can seem daunting at first, but with a few tips and some practice, you’ll be able to make perfectly poached eggs every time. Here are some key tips to help you master this technique:

  • Use Fresh Eggs: Fresh eggs are best for poaching as they hold their shape better. The whites are firmer and less likely to disperse in the water.
  • Water Temperature: The water should be at a gentle simmer, not boiling vigorously. Tiny bubbles should just begin to break the surface.
  • Add Vinegar: Add a small amount of white vinegar to the water. The vinegar helps the egg whites coagulate more quickly, but it should be used sparingly to avoid affecting the taste of the egg.
  • Crack Eggs into a Bowl or Ramekin: Crack each egg into a small bowl or ramekin first. This makes it easier to slide the egg gently into the water and keeps the yolk intact.
  • Creating a Whirlpool: Before adding the egg, use a spoon to create a gentle whirlpool in the pot. This helps the egg white wrap around the yolk and keeps the egg more compact.
  • Slide the Egg Gently: Lower the bowl or ramekin right to the water’s surface and gently slide the egg in. This minimises the impact and keeps the egg from breaking apart.
  • Timing is Key: Poach the egg for about 3-4 minutes for a soft, runny yolk, or longer if you prefer a firmer yolk.
  • Use a Slotted Spoon: To remove the egg from the water, use a slotted spoon. This allows excess water to drain off.
  • Drain on a Paper Towel: After removing the egg, place it on a paper towel to drain any remaining water. This prevents your dish from getting soggy.

Serving Tips for Avocado and Poached Eggs on Sourdough Bread

  • Finish the soup with a final squeeze of fresh lemon juice for added vibrancy.
  • Pair it with whole-grain bread or a side salad for a complete meal.
  • Garnish with fresh herbs or a dollop of Greek yoghurt, if desired.

storage tips

  • An assembled dish is best enjoyed fresh. However, leftover ingredients should be stored separately.
  • Store mashed avocado with a squeeze of lemon juice to prevent browning, and keep in an airtight container in the fridge.

Avocado and Poached Eggs on Sourdough Bread with Sumac

Servings: 2 servings
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 4 minutes


  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 2 slices of sourdough bread
  • 1 tsp white vinegar (for poaching)
  • ½ tsp sumac (for garnish)
  • salt and pepper , to taste
  • olive oil, for drizzling
  • fresh parsley, for garnishing (optioanl)


  • Prepare theAvocado:  Cut the ripe avocado in half and remove the pit. Scoop out the flesh into a bowl. Mash the avocado with a fork until it reaches your desired level of creaminess. Season with a pinch of salt and pepper.
  • Toast the Sourdough Bread: Toast the sourdough bread slices until they reach your preferred level of crispiness.
  • Poach theEggs:  Fill a medium-sized saucepan with water until it's about two-thirds full. Add the white vinegar to the water.  Bring the water to a gentle simmer over medium heat. The water should be hot but not boiling vigorously. Crack one egg into a small bowl or ramekin. Create a gentle whirlpool in the simmering water by stirring it with a spoon. Carefully slide the egg into the centre of the whirlpool. This motion helps the egg white wraparound the yolk.  Poach the egg for about 3-4 minutes for a slightly runny yolk, or longer if you prefer it firmer.  Use a slotted spoon to carefully remove the poached egg from the water and place it on a paper towel-lined plate. Repeat the process for the second egg.
  • Assemble the Dish:  Spread the mashed avocado evenly onto the toasted sourdough slices.  Gently place a poached egg on top of each avocado-covered bread slice.  Season the poached eggs with salt and pepper, and sprinkle sumac over the eggs for a tangy, citrusy flavour. 
  • Garnish and Serve:  Garnish your Avocado and Poached Eggs on Sourdough Bread with fresh cilantro or parsley for a burst of colour and freshness(optional).  Serve immediately, and enjoy this delicious and healthy breakfast!

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